It’s the easiest thing in the world to do, to beat yourself up after hearing the news you didn’t want – you were unsuccessful following an interview. It’s so important to do more than that during this time and we have the perfect tips to help you bounce back into action!
Be reflective rather than reactive
Take a look in the mirror and figure out where you could have done better. After all, rejection is redirection, so although you didn’t get the news you were looking for, it can actually be a positive thing. It opens up opportunities to look at more jobs, new industries and really have a think about what sort of job you can see yourself in. Think about what you would really value from your career and what are the most important aspects of a new job for you. Is it a higher salary? Is it purpose? Is it work/life balance? Think about if all of this came through in your unsuccessful interview and where you could maybe improve on your interview tactics for future.

Recognise you aren’t alone
It’s important to remember that some of the most successful people were rejected in their careers and this only made them even more determined. According to a survey by Job Description Library in January 2022, on average, hiring managers will interview 6 candidates for every one vacancy. This means that for every one person who is offered the role, 5 people are left unsuccessful, it happens every day all over the world. One bad interview will not determine how the rest of your job hunt is going to be.
Be patient
Good things take time. All successful people have had to be patient whilst working on their goals. Without sounding cliché, anything worth having will never come easy, so take your time and try not to rush things. Spend the rest of your time doing things that make you happy or distract yourself, particularly whilst waiting for news about any other potential roles.
Don’t take it personally
You don’t know what other factors came into play when making this decision. All any company wants is the best for the company and the best person for that role, it doesn’t mean that it has anything to do with you personally. Interviews are professional, not personal – remember this!
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket
There are so many opportunities out there! Get a few interviews booked in and see which you prefer, you may surprise yourself by going for something a bit different! As much as it’s best to give each interview your ‘all’, don’t get your heart set on something so much that if you are rejected, it affects you too much negatively.
Learn from experience
Always ask for feedback if you are unsuccessful. It gives you the opportunity to learn from any mistakes you may have made in the interview and give you pointers about what to improve on in your next interview. Mistakes always have been and always will be the best way to learn moving forward.
Speak to a professional recruiter
If you haven’t previously used a recruiter, it may be worth getting set up with a recruitment company. 360 recruiters are always a good place to start as they will be able to provide your support before, during and after your interview and placement. If you have used a recruiter for your interview, speak to them! They will be able to provide the feedback from the client about the interview and potentially set up another interview for you.
All in all, stay positive as you never know what is just around the corner, stay positive and enjoy spending the time getting to choose what sort of job role you’d like to go into! This is the perfect time for reflecting on what you really want out of your career!
And finally…
Best of luck on your job search!